This is my finished piece. As you can see I mounted all my individual images onto a large board. Before mounting the finished images though, I spray-painted the gender symbol for women repeatedly over the board. I chose 3 colours for this; red, gold and pink. The red is supposed to create another link to Barbara Kruger's work, the gold is to showcase the importance of feminism and the pink to relate back to the individual images and their message of stereotypes.
Personally I think the collage worked well as the ripping effect created more interesting pieces and also linked back to my original Geisha Project. As you can see I also included some other items into my finalised piece.

'The Sun' is just one example of how the portrayal of women in society is extinguishing the flame that feminism has tried so hard to establish. The washing line shows how it is time to forget the old connotations of feminism, dust off your bras and start the flame again. Futhermore, both the bras hung are detailed. On the first I have done a biro drawing of Leonardo Da Vinci's fetus study and on the second, I have stitched the ends of ties together to form half the bra. This is to show that whether you want to stay at home and be a full-time Mum or be a high-flying career woman or maybe just a bit of both you can still be a feminist.
If I were to do this project again I would perhaps work on the refining my painting on the individuals pieces as I felt my Geisha portraits were much more sophisticated.