Saturday, 1 June 2013

Exam - Inspiration

Throughout my A-Level course, it had always been important that my pieces portrayed some sort of message therefore for my exam I wanted to keep that apparent. Furthermore I wanted to use personal experiences to shape my art and thus picked a topic close to my heart - feminism. Although I'm only a teenager I feel I have been subjected to many misogynistic and sexist situations and at the time felt I couldn't voice my protest. Looking into artists such as Barbara Kruger and movements like the 'Guerrilla Girls' only fueled my desire and so, my exam project was decided.
A further inspiration was my trip to Liverpool and a visit to the Tate Modern. Sylvia Sleigh was being exhibited and was famous for her nude paintings of males. Known to be a feminist herself, her work inspired me as it was so strongly connected to the Guerrilla Girls and their beliefs. For example, the Guerrilla Girls campaign for recognition of women in art and use the comparison of nude paintings of women vs. paintings by women in galleries as an argument. Similarly Sylvia Sleigh painted men nude as it went against the stereotype of that time. This area of inspiration led me onto to look at the use of nudity into today's art and also, today's media.  

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